Work faster and smarter with drafts, a better search, and lots more integrations!
Here is what's new in Rotabull:
Drafts: save your work, and come back to quote later
Smarter search: find deals across all stages from one central search
Zapier integration: link Rotabull to thousands of other apps
A whole list of other improvements (scroll down for the details)
Here is a little more info on each of these:
Save your work for later with drafts
Sometimes you can't finish a quote in one go. Maybe you get pulled away by a phone call, need to do some pricing research, or just want someone else to take a look. You can now save a draft quote for later, or for sharing with a colleague.
Save a draft for later
Find deals faster with an improved search
You can now search from one bar, and find deals in any stage. No need to switch into a different inbox!
Search across any stage.
Connect Rotabull to thousands of other apps
Use Zapier to connect Rotabull to the most popular other apps, e.g., your CRM, your accounting system, Slack, or lots of others!